Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Cody's Prom

Cody and Alyssa Marcinko

22 awesome kids and a night of fun! Cody really has a great group of friends. They have good values, standards and are a ton of fun!!! A bunch of us moms put together an incredible meal for a dinner to remember. The Jarvis family was kind to let us use their resort....I mean back yard. Robert Olmstead took prom pics for the kids and James's dad cooked the steak....


Monica said...

I love these pictures and all the modest girls in their dresses! Cody looks so handsome and Brooke looks gorgeous! You moms and Dad outdid yourselves---Amazing dinner and I love the Jarvis backyard! Fun to see the pictures!

Trish said...

Wow! What a group! And the Jarvis' really do have a resort in their backyard!

akglaciergirl said...

I love these girls dresses!! They are all so beautiful! and some pretty handsome young men too! Looks like such a fun time! what cool Mom's they have:)

Widdison Warbler said...

I love these pictures! It's great to have a huge group. The dresses are so colorful!