Teenagers and their cell phones...... It surprises me sometimes "WHERE" they text on their phones. Recently Cody had to purchase a new phone. Why you ask? Did it just stop working? yes. Did he drop it? That would be a BIG yes. But WHERE did he drop it is the best question to ask. Read this comic strip....... My Dad saw this in the sunday paper and had to send it on to me. You see, Cody dropped his phone in THE TOILET. What person leaves his phone hanging on his pants or talks/texts on the phone in the bathroom? Obviously my teen son.
He sheeplishly brings it to me.....eeeeeuuuuh. And I tell him the best chance at trying to salvage it is to: 1. wash it off before HAZMAT comes. 2. put it in a bag of rice (ancient chinese secret that helps draw out moisture). After following my instructions (IF ONLY he had listened to me in the first place about not hanging his phone by his pant waist) it did "kinda work" for a few months till his birthday came around and he got a new one.
Can I curse him now that he has a kid just like him?
O Little Town of Bethlehem
5 years ago
Couldn't have been a more perfect comic--did it really have Cody's name or did you edit it? That is just too funny--the question is now, did he learn his lesson?
Hillarious!!! I remember you telling me that story! It looks like Cody's story is not as a typical as you may have thought. It's a great laugh!
My dad actually edited it to have Codys name in it......I have posted it on my fridge to remind him. Maybe I should post it over the toilet seat. lol
Very funny. Thanks for the laugh!
LOL...that's too hilarious. My husband has lost a few pagers that way.
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